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Surrogacy With Donor Egg

Surrogacy With Donor Egg

Surrogacy With Donor Egg

This a great opportunity for hopeful wishing mothers struggling with poor egg quality, or low ovarian reserve. With Donor egg you can become the mother of your child. Surrogacy with donor egg and partner sperm will give you 50% genetic inheritance of your male partner. The Pride IVF is offer the best fertility treatments with donor eggs at the lowest cost, especially for Northeastern people.

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Defining Surrogacy

Surrogacy is defined as a practice whereby another woman carries the pregnancy to term (9 months) and gives birth to a child(s) for an intending couple and intends to hand over the child to them after the birth following the contract agreement of surrogacy regulation act (SRA).

Legal surrogacy laws by the Indian Government.

As of today 2022, the Indian government has banned commercial surrogacy and is permitting only altruistic surrogacy. Altruistic surrogacy implies the following conditions:

  • The surrogate mother must be genetically related to the intended parents.
  • She must be a married woman.
  • She must be between the age of 21 to 35 years.
  • She must have at least 1 child of her own.
  • It should not be for the purpose of business.
  • The intended wife is between 23-50 years.
  • The intended father should be between 26 to 60 years.

The Pride IVF strictly follows the surrogacy provisions provided by the Indian government.

Qualified Surrogate Mother at the Pride IVF.

According to the surrogacy regulation Act (SRA), the surrogate mother should satisfy the following conditions:

  • She is a close relative of the intending couple.
  • She is married and has a child of her own.
  • She is between the age of 21 to 35 years.
  • She must be a surrogate only once in her lifetime.
  • She must possess a certificate of medical and psychological fitness for surrogacy.

How do you get Donor eggs in Guwahati?

In Guwahati, the best and healthiest donor egg provider comes from the Pride IVF fertility center. The center will provide the eggs based on intending parent’s preferences. If you need frozen eggs, you will be provided with all the bio data of the Donors based on the center donor database- EGG DONATION IN INDIA | DONOR EGG BANK.

The Pride IVF egg donor Database

With Pride IVF different donors are available of all ethnicity. The center experienced that some of the parents wish to have a child of their choice of the color of the eye, skin, height, types of ear lobes, etc. Therefore, the center has made it available to pick their choice from its donor database:

  • Caucasian Egg Donors: We have them based in South Africa, the USA, Ukraine, or Georgia. They can travel to IVF destinations.
  • Thai and Asian Egg Donors based in Thailand.
  • Indian Egg Donors can also travel to any part of the world.
  • African Egg Donors. They can travel to Bangkok or any Destination for Pride IVF.

What are the success rates of surrogacy with Donor Eggs?

Surrogacy with Donor eggs is most commonly known as guaranteed surrogacy- Guaranteed Surrogacy in India because it produces guaranteed 100% success rates for most normal couples. Let’s look at the chart and compare the success rates of donor egg and self-egg surrogacy:


Pride IVF best Surrogacy Clinic, Guwahati

The success rate of surrogacy is closely related to the age of the Egg donor provider. The best reproductive age falls between 21-35 years in women. Therefore, the Pride IVF strictly ensures its egg donor at the best reproductive age. Using donor eggs results in a 70% to 99% live birth rate per embryo transfer. The birth rate gradually declines beyond the age of 35 and is the lowest for women over 40 years.

Who should use donor egg surrogacy?

Donor Eggs are used by those women that wish to have a child but cannot get pregnant with their own eggs. Such women cannot get pregnant with self-egg because of the following reasons:

  • She was born without ovaries.
  • She has reached menopause at an early age than normal.
  • Her ovaries do not respond adequately to hormonal stimulation in the past.
  • She may have poor egg quality with previous IVF attempts.

Women can also use donor eggs if they have genetic diseases and don’t want to pass on their offspring. Or they use donor eggs for a couple’s personal reasons.

How surrogacy with donor egg is done/processed?

The Pride IVF in Guwahati follows SRA Indian govt. Approval and performs the surrogacy with Donor-Egg. Apart from SRA, the center also requires certain steps to be followed by the patients, so that the best suggestion or guidance can be provided by the experts on whether the treatments will suit them or not. The following 2 steps are included:

1. Booking an appointment: For any fertility or treatment-related, intended parents have to book an appointment either via email or via phone calls. Thereby, the center coordinators contact the appointee within 24 hours and fix their free consultation time with the center fertility experts.

2. Free consultation: Either in person or through contact based on the intending parent’s flexibility, the fertility experts will evaluate your medical background, and previous reports (if available), or they can suggest for reproductive analysis test (if no reports) by visiting the Pride IVF at Guwahati. During this time you can ask your confusions or queries related to fertility. After a thorough examination, our experts guide you on whether Donor-Egg surrogacy suits your conditions. If yes then you will be asked to follow the next step.

3. Contract agreement: All involved parties of the Pride IVF experts, intended parents, Egg Donors, and the surrogate mother will sign the contract agreement ( where all the rules and regulations are described in the contract) in the presence of the legal surrogacy lawyers. Thereby the attorney will get approval from the court to proceed with altruistic surrogacy. The tentative date is also decided for the initiating procedure.

4. Fertility medication: The Egg Donor is given fertility pills so that she is able to synchronize with the surrogate’s menstrual cycles.
At the same time, the surrogate is also prepared to develop the endometrium. Once the Egg Doner starts her period, hormones like FSH and LH are injected so that multiple eggs are developed. This step usually takes about 10-12 days. All the Dos and don’ts are discussed with coupes beforehand.

Note: The more eggs produced, the more chances of successful fertilization later on in the treatment. Ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) is caused by an increase in LH about 2 weeks before menstruation starts.

5. Egg Retrieval: After the development of mature eggs in the donor, they are retrieved under anesthesia. This procedure is carried out by the chief embryologist using a catheter instrument that sucks out each egg follicle. During this time, the male partner is also asked to provide his semen sample either via traditional method or collected using surgical sperm aspiration methods like TESA/PESA/MESA, etc, if he has an issue traditionally.

6. Fertilization: The fertilization process involves the entire IVF process- IVF Process step by step. Whereby the retrieved egg and the collected sperm are combined under the culture medium to get fertilized. After fertilization, it is called an embryo, the embryo takes 2 to 5 days for complete development which is term as the luteal phase.

7. Embryo transfer: At Pride IVF, we either select cleavage (3rd-day embryo) or blastocyst embryo (5th-day embryo) for transferring into the surrogate uterus. Depending on the number of eggs retrieved, the number of grades A embryo formations, and previous treatment history (if any). The embryo is transferred under ultrasound guidance. For more details please follow; IVF Implantation Process in India.
Note: The number of embryos to be transferred depends on the age of the intended mother and the previous treatment history.

8. Confirmation of Pregnancy: After the embryo, the surrogate mother is given hormonal supplements like estrogen and progesterone. She will take rest for a week and the pregnancy test is done after 2 weeks. However, within that time she is monitored regularly to ensure that the instruction is followed accordingly.

What we do during your pregnancy.

We recognize that the time between embryo transfer and your pregnancy test can be emotionally charged with anxiety and expectation from both the intending parents and the surrogate. Therefore, to help you we arrange a place for your birth parting our happiness with your expanding family based on your preferences. We provide personalized, compassionate care and support you at every step of your fertility journey.

How do the intended parents are evaluated before surrogacy?

The evaluation of the intending parents is most important for the compatibility of the Donor and the partner’s sperm. The fertility experts evaluate mainly:

  • Comprehensive medical history from both partners.
  • Evaluates blood types, and Rh factor.
  • Tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) include HIV, hepatitis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.
  • They are counseled by the center’s mental health professionals about the complexity of the decision to use a donor egg.
  • The male partner’s sperm is analyzed based on his history and ethnic background.

How the surrogate mother is evaluated prior to surrogacy?

  • The pelvis and her uterus are evaluated carefully.
  • If she is over 35 years, heart function and risk of pregnancy-related disease are evaluated.

What tests are done on Egg Donors?

The donor is tested for various infectious diseases such as:

  • HIV, Hepatitis B and C, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

100% of our donors are tested strictly to ensure they are not carriers of the cystic fibrosis gene.

Another genetic test is performed based on the donor’s history and ethnic background. Psychometric testing is done as part of mental health screening.

What is surgical sperm aspiration?

When a male has viable sperm for assisting egg fertilization but cannot ejaculate during sex or during masturbation in such cases the sperm is collected surgically which is known as Surgical Sperm aspiration.

There are different types of surgical sperm aspiration and is carried out based on the male’s inability to ejaculate the semen sample, they include:

  • Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA): TESA is performed for men who are having sperm retrieved for IVF/ICSI/SURROGACY. A needle is inserted in the testicle and the tissue/sperm are aspirated. It takes about 20-30 minutes. Recovery is shorter and significantly less painful. It may cause some discomfort for days, but it is not a painful treatment. Sperm extraction through TESA has a high rate of success. The general figure stands at above 80%.
  • TESE: TESE is best in men with both obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia. These men have no sperm in their ejaculate because either there is a blockage in the route between the site of sperm production (the testes) and ejaculation or because there is a partial or complete failure in sperm production in the testes. It involves making a small incision in the testis and examining the tubules for the presence of sperm. TESE’s success rate is quite favorable for men. In fact, doctors are able to find sperm approximately 60% of the time during TESE procedures.
  • Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA): It is done in men who have obstructive azoospermia from either a prior vasectomy or infection. The procedure involves inserting a fine needle into the epididymis, from which fluid is aspirated. This fluid is then inspected immediately by embryologists under a microscope for sperm content and motility. The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes. It causes minimal pain and discomfort.
  • Microsurgical Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA): MESA is a procedure for men who have vasal or epididymal obstruction (s/p vasectomy, congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens). It involves using a surgical microscope to open the small tubes within the epididymis to look for sperm. After MESA, the ICSI method must be used to fertilize the egg.

What is PGT treatment?

PGT is a Preimplantation Genetic Testing procedure. It is performed on the couple’s created embryo via IVF and is tested prior to implantation to the uterus, only if they feel the risk of a genetic disorder or they have a history of a genetic problem.

PGT procedures ensure that the embryo selected for implantation has the correct number of chromosomes, this reduces the chances for IVF failure and reduces miscarriages. Most of all it gives a healthy normal child to the intending parents.

Note: If you and your partner have any concerns about collecting the sample, be free to discuss it with our specialist before starting your cycle.

Know more about Surrogacy with donor-egg, Guwahati

If you wish to know more about Donor-Egg Surrogacy, IVF, ICSI, PGT/PGD, IUI, Surgical sperm retrieving procedures, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), or any other related to fertility treatments, at Pride IVF Best Surrogacy center in Guwahati, Assam, please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations.

Further, if you’re interested in directly discussing the cost of Donor Egg surrogacy, IVF, cost of IUI, Cost of ICSI, Cost PGT/PGD, Cost TESA/PESA/TESE/MESA, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount. Please visit: Surrogacy cost in Guwahati, Assam, or write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query.

The Pride IVF fertility center is committed to making your parenthood dreams into reality. Contact us today.


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