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IVF Success Ratio With Our Doctors

IVF Success Ratio With Our Doctors

IVF is a miraculous ART technique to conceive a healthy child again for infertile parents. But IVF alone can’t be assumed to create, but its success rates will change one’s life completely. The Pride IVF center in Guwahati produces the highest IVF success rates backboned by its team of highly qualified IVF Doctors.

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Best IVF Doctors with high success rate in Guwahati

IVF treatment assures its success rates when worked with the best IVF Doctors. In Guwahati, the Pride IVF center is remarkably high in demand for its prominent highly qualified, and experienced IVF Doctors.

Some of our finest IVF Doctors include the following:

Dr. Pammy Murthy

Dr Pammi Murthy

Dr. Pammy Murthy, Chief embryologist from Chennai

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi

Dr. Mohit Saraogi is based in Mumbai

Dr. Rita Bakshi


Dr. Rita Bakshi from Delhi

Dr. Pankaj Talwar

Dr. Pankaj Talwar

Dr. Pankaj Talwar from Haryana

Dr. Souren Bhattacharjee

Dr. Souren Bhattacharjee

Dr. Souren Bhattacharjee from Kolkata

Dr. Sunita Pandit

Dr. Sunita Pandit

Dr. Sunita Pandit from Pune

Dr. Vinita Das

Dr. Vinita Das

Dr. Vinita Das from Lucknow

Our Doctors have 20+ years of experience and are renowned as the best IVF Doctors in Guwahati. They are connecting thousands of infertile people every month building their dreams of parenthood through IVF treatments, offering IVF at a low cost of 1.5 lakhs INR to Indian citizens and 5,000 USD to any foreign citizen in Guwahati.

IVF Success Ratio with Our Doctors, Guwahati

At Pride, any hopeful infertile parents that approach the Pride Doctors are assured of receiving a healthy child despite their inability to conceive naturally.

Once you get registered, our Doctors lay down their full effort to deliver a guaranteed success rate of up to 99%.

The pie chart below depicts the IVF success rates delivered by our best IVF Doctors in Guwahati:

Best Doctors Vs. IVF Success Rate Ratio

Fertility IVF Center, Guwahati

At Pride, any hopeful infertile parents that approach the Pride Doctors are assured of receiving a healthy child despite their inability to conceive naturally.

Once you get registered, our Doctors lay down their full effort to deliver a guaranteed success rate of up to 99%.

The pie chart below depicts the IVF success rates delivered by our best IVF Doctors in Guwahati:

  • 99% live birth per embryo transfer with Donor Egg.
  • 75% live birth per embryo transfer with Self-Eggs.
  • 90% live birth per embryo transfer with IVF+ICSI.
  • 80% live birth per embryo transfer with TESA/MESA/PESA, etc.
  • 85% live birth per embryo transfer with IVF+PGD & PGT.
  • 82% live birth per embryo transfer with laser-assisted hatching.

That means intended parents coming to Pride IVF have the highest chance of taking home a baby. To learn more about the IVF success rate in India, please follow the link; IVF success rate in India.

Our Doctors talk about the IVF success rate

The IVF success rates vary from individual to individual because of certain factors such as different body development, environmental health, medical conditions, and responses to fertility medication.

They have experienced and shared, the IVF success rate depends on the following conditions:

  • The age of women (the best reproductive age is 21-35 years). A woman’s age and years of infertility become the deciding factor.
  • Which center has performed IVF treatment?
  • What type of eggs is used (frozen or fresh),
  • Which IVF program is used (donated egg or self-egg),
  • Fertility medical conditions and health.
  • Genetic disorder conditions,
  • Forms of treatment used along with IVF.

More about the IVF Treatment

IVF: In-Vitro Fertilization

IVF simply implies Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). IVF is a form of reproduction that technically assists in the fertilization of the female egg and the male sperm outside the body (in the fertility laboratory in a petri-dish under the culture medium). The fertilized egg called an embryo is implanted into the female uterus to get pregnant.

Who should go for IVF treatment?

Any couple either fertile or infertile can go for IVF treatment. IVF is the best choice for those fertile couples not willing to carry the pregnancy due to personal reasons, then IVF with a gestational carrier is recommended. IVF is offered as a primary treatment for infertility in women over age 40.

IVF is also recommended for the sexually- and gender-diverse (LGBTIAQ+) community to start a family, as well as single people who would like to become parents.

However, IVF is most highly recommended for those couples who are not able to get pregnant after trying regular unprotected sex for about 6-12 months, IVF will fulfill that inability for parenthood.

Or couples having the following diagnosis medical conditions or other mentioned reasons should go for the IVF treatment:

  • Blocked fallopian tubes,
  • Women with ovulation disorder,
  • Women with uterine fibroids,
  • Unexplained infertility in both males and females,
  • Individuals with genetic disorders,
  • Women who had their fallopian tubes removed.
  • Couples with IUI procedure failure.
  • Females with reduced ovarian reserves
  • Women with endometriosis.
  • Women with pelvic adhesions.
  • Men with poor semen quality.
  • Couples with unexplained infertility.
  • A genetic disorder
  • Fertility preservation for cancer or other health conditions

How is IVF treatment done?

IVF is an ART procedure and it involves certain assisting processes to be followed. The IVF process involves a simple series of procedure which is carefully executed by the best fertility specialists such as the gynecologist, embryologist, psychological counselor, and different assisting staff. Apart from certain medical steps, a formal legal procedure is also included at the Pride in Guwahati.

Below we have discussed the IVF Process step by step:

  1. Book an appointment: If you’ve read above “who should go for IVF treatment?” and understand that IVF is the best option to treat your infertility.
    Book an appointment via our website, calls, WhatsApp, or Email. Our coordinator will contact you within no time and schedule your direct appointment with our IVF Specialists of your choice.
  2. Initial Consultation: The Pride IVF will provide free consultations where all the necessary information about your fertility conditions is discussed. After an initial consultation (discussion, testing, and diagnosis) our specialist will determine whether IVF is the best plan for you or not. If IVF is demanding, then below are the normal steps that the treatment will follow.
  3. Ovulation stimulation: At the time of your menstrual cycle. The stimulation or superovulation process starts, You’ll be given fertility drugs such as Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) or Luteinising Hormone (LH) which will boost your body to produce multiple eggs than just the normal one egg/month.
    The more eggs you produce, the more chances you’ll have successful fertilization later on in the treatment. Ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary) is caused by an increase in LH about 2 weeks before menstruation starts.Transvaginal ultrasounds and blood tests are done regularly during this step to check on your ovaries and monitor your hormone levels.
  4. Trigger Injection: Once the ovulation is successful our specialist will tell you the exact time for administering the trigger injection. An injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to aid the egg’s final maturation and loosen it from the follicle wall. This trigger injection time is crucial, it is noted down very specifically by the specialist. This injection helps the egg to mature quickly.
  5. Egg retrieval (either donor or self egg): Egg retrieval is done on the 2nd morning after the final injection i.e. trigger injection (34-36 hours later). The Pride IVF chief embryologist will perform a minor surgical procedure known as the follicular aspiration for collecting the eggs or “egg-pick up” under very light sedation, it is performed as an outpatient. An ultrasound-guided probe is used that guides the fine needle into each of the ovaries through the vaginal canal. This fine needle is attached to the suction mechanics and sucks out each egg, one at a time. The fluid+egg in the follicle is collected into a test tube and studied under a microscope to look for eggs. This procedure takes about 20 to 30 minutes, depending on the number of follicles that have developed.
    After the egg retrieval, you will rest for 1 hour before sending you back home. The Pride IVF always recommends that its patients take the day off work and avoid any strenuous exercise.
  6. Semen Sample Collection (either donor or partner sperm): While the eggs are being retrieved, the male partner will be asked to produce his semen sample. If you and your partner have any concerns about collecting the sample, be free to discuss it with our specialist before starting your cycle.
    It may be possible to produce the semen sample at home and drop it off at the clinic, or freeze one of your partner’s semen samples as a backup. You may also choose to use donor sperm (if required). The sperm are then put through a high-speed wash and spin cycle to find the healthiest ones.
  7. Fertilize the egg with the sperm: The best-concentrated collected sperm is mixed with the retrieved eggs called the insemination process. The solution is placed in Petri dishes under the culture medium and kept in the incubator overnight and examined the next day for signs of fertilization. Mostly, 60%-70% of eggs will fertilize if the sperm sample appears normal. It usually takes a few hours for a sperm to fertilize an egg. The fertilized eggs are then kept in the incubator for an additional 48 hours for complete development.
    Sometimes during the process, specialists may recommend Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) as part of your treatment if the sperm quality is low (sperm count, morphology, or motility).ICSI is a specialized form of treatment for male infertility and involves injecting a single sperm directly into a single mature egg in the laboratory.
  8. Embryo Transfer into the Uterus: After about 2-5 days of fertilization, the resultant embryo transfer takes place.The best stage embryo is chosen and loaded into a thin plastic catheter (a soft tube), that is made to pass through the cervix, into the uterus, and gently released into the uterus. The process itself takes only a few minutes and is usually painless. This part of the IVF process is performed in the doctor’s office while you are awake.Generally, Multiple embryos are transferred in the hopes that at least one will implant itself in the lining of the uterus and begin to develop. Sometimes more than one embryo ends up implanting, which is why multiples are possible in women who use IVF.After the transfer, some of the remaining embryos may be suitable for vitrification (rapid freezing), and this option is available to all patients undergoing IVF treatment. Frozen embryos can be used in subsequent cycles if the first one is not successful, or they can be donated to someone who needs a donor embryo.
  9. The luteal phase: This is the phase/time between the embryo transfer and the pregnancy test. During this time you must look after yourself and maintain good health and well-being. The IVF process replicates natural reproduction.
  10. The pregnancy test: To confirm positive pregnancy. A blood test is done after 14 days of the embryo transfer. If pregnancy is confirmed, you are the first person to notify, our nurses will let you know via contacts or in-person and will advise you on the next steps to take on your journey to delivering a child.
    We recognize that the time between embryo transfer and your pregnancy test can be emotionally charged with anxiety and expectation. Therefore, to help you we can arrange a place for your birth parting our happiness with your expanding family. We provide personalized, compassionate care and support you at every step of your fertility journey.

Results of IVF: Everyone’s prayer of positivity!

  • If you’re pregnant: our specialists refer you to an obstetrician or other pregnancy specialist for prenatal care.
  • If you’re not pregnant: you’ll stop taking progesterone and likely get your period within a week. If you don’t get your period or you have unusual bleeding, contact our doctor. If you’re interested in attempting another cycle of in vitro fertilization (IVF), our doctor will suggest steps you can take to improve your chances of getting pregnant through IVF.

Final Thoughts: Pride IVF, Guwahati welcomes You

If you’re a couple and have experienced infertility after 2 years of trying unprotected intercourse and have learned and understood the above-mentioned infertility reasons. You don’t have to worry at all, IVF is the best option for you to decide, it gives you a healthy baby.

The Pride IVF Center in Guwahati is there to “Nurture another life in You” and is offering IVF at the lowest cost from 1.5 lacs to 2.5 lacs with free consultations and up to 10% concession from the package offered with a guaranteed IVF success rate with Donor Eggs.

If your final thought about IVF treatment is 100%, book an appointment, or give us a call, Whats App us today. We will get back to you right away.

Moving Ahead With IVF Treatment In Guwahati.

If you wish to know more about our top IVF Doctors or wish to directly discuss your infertility based on your preference Doctors at our center in Guwahati, or If you have any queries and want to know more about IVF, ICSI, PGT/PGD, IUI, Surgical sperm retrieving procedures, Donor assistance (egg/sperm/embryo), or any other related to fertility treatments, at Pride IVF best IVF clinic in Guwahati, please feel free and write to us at we’re right away to answer and solve your problems with free consultations.

Further, if you’re interested in directly discussing the cost of IVF, the cost of Donor eggs, cost of IUI, Cost of ICSI, Cost PGT/PGD, Cost TESA/PESA/TESE/MESA, or any fertility-related treatment cost, and discount. Please feel free and write to us at We provide free consultations and no charges for your query. The Pride IVF is committed to making your parenthood dreams into reality. Contact us today.

Together let’s build your families!

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